Open Chambers: Hindemith & Shostakovich (2018)

Second Soprano
Opera 5

  • Rachel Krehm’s soprano, with its timpanous resonance, rose to meet the occasion of the muscular utterances characteristic of a string section by Shostakovich.

    Schmopera - Michael Zarathus-Cook

  • Krehm’s steely, almost fearsome sound...found space for her powerful instrument in the shocking expanse of Shostakovich’s Russian settings.

    Schmopera - Jenna Simeonov

Show Program:

Oboe Sonata – Hindemith

Die Serenaden – Hindemith

Seven Romances on the poems of Alexander Blok – Shostakovich


Soprano 1: Jacqueline Woodley; Soprano 2: Rachel Krehm; Viola/Violin: Yosuke Kawasaki; Cello: Wolfram Koessel; Piano: Vadim Serebryany; Oboe: Melissa Scott

 Creative/Production Team:

Director: Patrick Hansen; Lighting Designer/Production Manager: David DeGrow; Stage Manager: Tamara Vuckovic


Ariadne auf Naxos (2019)


Die Fledermaus (2016)